Insights on Immigration and Development

Call for papers workshop – CLOSED


The Fourth INSIDE Workshop will be held in Barcelona the coming 22nd and 23rd of June 2010, organized by the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics).

The Workshop represents an excellent opportunity to present and discuss ongoing research on immigration and development with a wide community of experts. Barry R. Chiswick (University of Illinois) will deliver the keynote lecture. In addition, we plan to have 10 papers presented and discussed in the one and a half day event.

Please submit your paper proposals to (the Subject must contain SUBMISSION followed by your name) at your earliest convenience and before March 15th 2010. Acceptance decisions will be communicated soon after this deadline.

There is no registration fee and limited travel and accommodation funding will be available for the participants. We would therefore encourage you, whenever possible, to draw upon research travel funding you may have at your disposal. Please indicate in your submission whether you will be able to cover your own travel costs or whether you will require funding from INSIDE.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Ana Rute Cardoso
Lídia Farré
Jesús Fernández-Huertas

pdf call papers INSIDE Workshop 2010


There are no future seminars programmed at this moment.


There are no future workshops programmed at this moment.