Insights on Immigration and Development

About Inside

INSIDE (Insights on Immigration and Development) provides a stimulating intellectual environment to produce, present and discuss research on immigration. A joint initiative of IAE-CSIC (Institute for Economic Analysis, Spanish National Research Council) and MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics), it aims at mobilizing and coordinating scientific research on the causes and consequences of migrations and development, bringing together social scientists that belong to different institutions and disciplines.

INSIDE offers:
i. means to coordinate the research efforts and to disseminate high-quality research findings on the causes and consequences of international migrations and development;
ii. research exposure through our national and international meetings that facilitate a productive debate, as well as through our working-paper series, the INSIDE Papers;
iii. seminars hosted by the IAE-CSIC and MOVE, where world experts on immigration present their latest work and spend quality time with researchers;
iv. a network for cooperation between academic researchers and policymakers;
v. advanced training on the economic and social processes related to immigration and economic development;
vi. a concise up-to-date graphical overview of the trends in immigration in Spain, under our section “Spanish immigration in figures”.

INSIDE promotes interdisciplinary research and is committed to scientific excellence. Our interests include macro and microeconomic research, theoretical and empirical, as well as empirical research from other social-science disciplines, particularly sociology and political science.

The list of topics of interest, periodically updated, includes:

Labor market impact of immigration on the receiving countries

  • Employment and wages of native workers
  • Regional effects
  • Assimilation of immigrants in terms of employment, wages, and occupation
  • Immigration and the educational system in receiving countries

  • The educational attainment of second-generation immigrants
  • Concentration of immigrants and school performance
  • Macroeconomic effects on the receiving economy

  • Investment and economic growth
  • Immigration, skills and the business cycle
  • Income inequality
  • Public sector and political economy

  • Effects on the Welfare State and Social Security systems
  • Political economy. Effects on domestic politics
  • Immigration policy. Illegal immigration
  • Attitudes towards immigration

  • Polarization and potential conflict. Natives’ attitudes
  • Labor-market competition and natives’ attitudes towards immigration
  • Non-economic determinants of attitudes
  • Sources of attitudinal variation across the EU
  • Immigrants’ decisions

  • Location decisions. Ethnic enclaves. Network formation
  • Family formation and family reunification
  • Saving decisions and return migration
  • Economic mobility. Second-generation immigrants
  • Economic development and emigration

  • Determinants of emigration rates
  • Economic effects of emigration on origin countries
  • Brain drain
  • Remittances
  • We welcome the contribution of researchers working in the field. If you are interested in joining the INSIDE Network, please contact us (“Join the Network”).

    The INSIDE Network is coordinated by Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC).


    There are no future seminars programmed at this moment.


    There are no future workshops programmed at this moment.