INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics
Co-organised by the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), by the research group “Migration: Integration, Impact and Interaction” of the NORFACE Research Programme on Migration and by INSIDE (Insights on Immigration and Development), the Sixth Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics took place October 18-19, 2012 in Barcelona at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC).
INSIDE is a joint initiative of IAE-CSIC (Institute for Economic Analysis, Spanish National Research Council), member of the Barcelona GSE, and MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics). CReAM is an independent and interdisciplinary research centre located in the Department of Economics at University College London, focusing on the causes, patterns and consequences of international population mobility and movements. The NORFACE research programme on migration comprises 12 research projects and is jointly funded by the national research councils and the European Commission.
Pictures from the workshop are available here
The program and the papers are available here
The program in PDF is available here.
Information on how to reach the workshop venue, the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) are provided here:
If you would like to attend, please send an email to Mr Eliseo Palomar ( as soon as possible and no later than Friday, October 12th.
Organizing committee:
Lidia Farrè (IAE-CSIC, INSIDE)
Francesco Fasani (IAE-CSIC, INSIDE)
Ada Ferrer-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, INSIDE)
Eliseo Palomar (IAE-CSIC)
Ana Rute Cardoso (IAE-CSIC)
Uta Schoenberg (UCL, CReAM)